CV (English)

TELLIER, Marion (Coralie, Véronique)

Université d’Aix-Marseille
29 av. R. Schuman
13621 Aix en Provence Cedex 1 / France
Laboratoire Parole et Langage – LPL
UMR 7309
5 avenue Pasteur
13100 Aix en Provence / France

Université  +33 (0)4 13 55 36 38           Laboratoire +33 (0)4 13 55 27 04

Assistant Professor (Tenured) in Foreign Language Teaching, Aix-Marseille University
Co-leader of the research team C3I: Co-construction of meaning: Integration, Interface, Interaction of the research unit Laboratoire Parole et Langage (UMR 7309 – CNRS)

Teaching gestures, Speech and Gesture, Foreign Language Acquisition, Teaching French to Speakers of Other Languages, Foreign language teacher’s training, Teaching foreign languages to young children, memorisation processes, comprehension processes, gesture adaptation to listener.

[2006] PhD in Linguistics, specialised in Didactics
The impact of teaching gestures in second language teaching and acquisition – A study on 
5 year-old children. (L’impact du geste pédagogique sur l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues    
étrangères – Etude sur des enfants de 5 ans)
Prof. Elisabeth GUIMBRETIERE
University Paris 7– Denis Diderot (Department of Linguistics – Lab. ARP)

[2002] Master’s Degree in Linguistics, specialised in Didactics                         
 (DEA de linguistique théorique et descriptive, mention didactique)
To teach L2 vocabulary through gestures: a study of young children’s L2 acquisition
Prof. Elisabeth GUIMBRETIERE
University Paris 7– Denis Diderot (Department of Linguistics – Lab. ARP)

[2001] Maîtrise in French as a Foreign Language                                                        
(Maîtrise de Français Langue Etrangère)
Playing games in second language teaching and learning
Prof. Elisabeth GUIMBRETIERE
University Paris 7– Denis Diderot (Department of Linguistics)

[2000] Maîtrise in English Studies, specialised in British Literature                           
(Maîtrise d’anglais, spécialité Littérature Britannique) (with distinctions)
The Cornish Landscape in Daphne du Maurier’s Novels (written in English)
Prof. Frédéric OGEE
University Paris 7– Denis Diderot (Department of English Studies)

[2007- present] Assistant Professor (Tenured) in Linguistics / Foreign Language Teaching              
Maître de conférences en didactique des langues
Research activity : Member of the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (UMR 7309 – CNRS)
Teaching : about 240h / year (undergraduate and master levels)
Main classes taught: Foreign Language Teaching Methodologies, Foreign Language Teaching Techniques, Foreign Language didactics, Gestures and Communication.
Aix-Marseille University

[2005- present] French Teachers trainer                                                                                           
Stage BELC and other thematic workshops for French teachers from all over the world
International Centre of Pedagogical Studies (CIEP) 1, avenue Léon-Journault – 92318 Sèvres cedex

[February -June 2007] Post Doctoral Fellow                                                                          
Prof. Catherine Pelachaud. Laboratoire LINC
Université Paris 8 - IUT de Montreuil - 140 rue de la Nouvelle France – 93100 Montreuil – France

[2002-2007] Teaching Assistant                                                                                                           
Including 2 years as ATER - Temporary Assistant in teaching and research
Foreign Language Teaching Methodologies, Foreign Language Teaching Techniques, Foreign Language didactics -  Undergraduate and master’s level
University Paris 7 – Linguistics department – 2 place Jussieu - 75251 Paris cedex 05 – France

[2001-2004] Teacher of French as a Foreign Language                                                  
Forum ACCORD -   14 boulevard Poissonnière 75009 Paris – France

[2000-2004] English teacher                                                                                              
Relais Mini-Schools -  33, rue de Plaisance- 92250 La Garenne-Colombes – France

[1999-2000] Foreign Language Assistant (French)                                                                     
St Austell College, St Austell & Brannel School, St Stephens, Cornwall, England

Research Unit
[2011-present] Co-leader of the research team C3I: Co-construction of meaning: Integration, Interface, Interaction (Co-construction du sens : Intégration, Interface, Interaction). The research team is composed of 20 permanent members, 12 associate members and 6 PhD students.

[2008-present] In charge of the curriculum: BA in French as Foreign Language
[2008-present] In charge of the curriculum: Foreign Language Teaching
[2008-present] Member of the committee for the French Proficiency Exam (DELF and DALF)
[2010-present] Elected member of the council of the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL)
[2009-2011] Elected member of the council of the Department of Literature, Arts, Communication and Linguistics

[2012] Elected member of the Research Committee

Reviewer for
Journals and books : Didactique de l'oral : des programmes à la classe (Osnabrück : epOs français) (2009), Eurosla Yearbook 9 (2009), Applied Cogitive Psychology (2010), Psychonomic Bulletin and Review (2010), LIDIL n°42 (2010), TIPA (2012).
Conferences : ADL 2003 et 2004, IVA 2007, Multimod 2009, JEP 2010 and  2012, Jétou 2011, CMLF 2012, ISGS 2012

Organising committees : ADL (2003) / Eurosla 18 (2008)

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